The Origins and Story of
Table Slot King & Fly In Dream, LLC

It all began in a Summer day of 2016 in Costa Mesa, California. A gamer, dreamer and business minded individual David S. introduced his friends with a card game idea that he had in mind. He imagined a slot machine game that can be transformed into a deck of cards with different quantity of symbols that can be played for fun.

After making a small but great team of people, David made his first move. David and his small team started working on calculations approved by the mathematic laboratory. Furthermore, he crated rules and a great deal of graphics which successfully entered the U.S. Patent office. Little by little David’s dream started becoming a reality.

Early stage of prototypes

After finishing the first version of Table Slot King card game, which was a dealer’s version, a new idea came to David’s mind. He imagined 11 unique versions, where players have the option to play in a tournament, play against the dealer, or just a single game.

Furthermore, during the creation of Table Slot King card games, David came up with a dice game idea and he named it “Dices 66” made with special calculations. This game was smaller but faster. Soon after, David had a new idea in mind and he created a new game named, “Pathway 66”. This game is a family version in which the player rolls the dice and moves the pawn onto the assigned symbol start space. David soon began testing out the various games by initially playing his friends for fun. Soon after his friends were exited to play again and called David to schedule another game. His friends really enjoyed the game and had a lot fun.

From its beginnings, the game aimed to be played at home for fun with family and friends. However, it was also good to train your brain, calculate, create strategy, and train your mind to have a photographic memory. For these reasons the game is good for ages 9 and up.

Because Table Slot King card and dice games can use various versions and characters it can be used for your business and business logo. When the family buys this game from your store with your logo, graphics or animations, they will constantly be reminded of your business while they are having a good time. The card and dice game can also be a good idea as a gift to your loyal customers. It can also be used as part of your advertisement.

Meaning behind the name, “Table Slot King”
Table derives from the idea of a “Table” game. Slot derives from the idea of a “Slot” machine game in which you can play with a deck of cards. Because the one deck of cards has several unique versions, it becomes a real “King” in card games.

Meaning behind the name, “Dices 66”
The number, “66” represents 6 dices to play with and 6 different symbols. In spiritually, the number “66” represents balance, harmony, and love. It is a positive message from the angels. The game “Pathway 66” represents the connection of a special pathway with the symbol “66” and special dices.

Meaning behind the name, “Fly In Dream”
Fly In Dream came up with various several ideas for new games. It was not possible to create all of my ideas at once due to the challenges and the time that it takes to create each idea. However, the options are unlimited, the sky is the limit just like flying In a dream. When there is so much imagination, something new is crated that ultimately ends up on your table. It is like flying in a dream. Fly In Dream LLC has several unlimited ideas to come in the future and will certainly expand. The sky is the limit. Until then, let’s just “Fly In Dream”.

Our team

David S.

Founder & Game Creator

Pavel B.

Graphic designer